6 Lifestyle Factors Leading to Premature Greying of Hair


Grey hair mostly indicates aging, but it’s not the same for all. For most of us, grey hair can be the result of stress, anxiety, poor lifestyle, insufficient sleep etc. Genetics and lifestyle factors play an important role in determining how quickly your hair goes grey. This article will look at six lifestyle factors that can cause premature greying of the hair.

Stress, Stress, Stress

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According to research, premature greying of hair is generally related to constant stress. Our body creates more cortisol (also known as the stress hormone) when we are under constant stress or anxiety due to which Melanocytes, the cells responsible for making melanin (the pigment that gives your hair its color) can’t operate normally, which would eventually result in early greying.

To prevent stress-related greying it’s necessary to participate in stress management practices like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises.


Smoking and early greying are correlated. It can be the main reason for premature greying. It limits the blood flow to the hair follicles, depriving them of essential nutrients and oxygen. Furthermore, the chemicals in cigarette smoke can harm cells that produce melanin and cause premature greying of the hair.

Quitting smoking will not only improve your overall health but also delay hair ageing.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

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Your diet can have a huge impact on the condition and color of your hair. Lack of vital nutrients in the diet could quicken the greying. Iron, Copper, Zinc, Vitamin B12, and other nutrients are important for good hair colour. For example, a Vitamin B12 deficiency can be a possible reason for early grey hair. This vitamin is necessary for the synthesis of melanin. 

To avoid early greying, eat a balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Environmental Pollution 

Environmental pollution is another major factor for premature greying. It can expose your hair to chemicals that can damage the cells that produce melanin. Apart from this, UV rays from the sun may degrade the protein structure of hair and quicken the loss of colour.

To protect your hair from environmental pollution, consider using UV-protective products, a hat or scarf when outside, and air purifiers to reduce indoor air pollution. These safety measures can reduce how much the environment affects the color of your hair.

Hair Care Products 

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Premature greying can be the result of how you treat your hair. Frequent hair dyeing, harsh chemical treatments, and excessive use of heat styling tools will not only harm the hair but also interfere with the formation of melanin. 

To maintain healthy hair color treat your hair gently. Avoid heat styling tools, choose natural hair colours, and stay away from harsh chemical treatments that could harm the structure of your hair. Additionally, using a light shampoo free of sulphates can help you keep your hair healthy.

Lack of Sleep

Enough sleep is important for general health as it gives our body a chance to repair and replace cells. Hormonal imbalances are the reason for a lack of sleep. When we don’t get enough sleep, our body’s stress response is triggered, increasing the level of the stress hormone cortisol, which can speed up the aging process.

Follow a regular sleep schedule, making sure you sleep for 7-9 hours daily. 


Understanding the lifestyle factors that contribute to premature grey hair might help you take preventive actions. Premature grey hair can be a source of concern for many people. Even while genetics play a big part, stress, smoking, poor nutrition, exposure to the environment, hair care habits, insufficient sleep, and even genetics can cause premature greying. You may help prevent the growth of grey hair and maintain a younger look for long by leading a healthy lifestyle, controlling your stress, and taking proper care of your hair.

Sapna Tyagi is a talented writer with a passion for sharing her insights on health, lifestyle, and fashion. Holding a master's degree in English from the prestigious Delhi University, Sapna's educational background has equipped her with the analytical skills needed to excel in the field of writing. Her writing style is characterized by its clarity, creativity, and attention to detail. Her deep-seated interest in health, lifestyle, and fashion is reflected in her articles, where she effortlessly combines her academic knowledge with a keen understanding of contemporary trends and topics. With a unique ability to connect with readers and offer practical advice, her work leaves a lasting impact on those who engage with it. Her journey promises to be one filled with continued growth, innovation, and meaningful contributions to the field.

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