Author: anjankumar.k

Anjan is a committed student with a burning desire to understand the complex realm of geopolitics and state power dynamics. He holds a master's degree in international relations. His interest motivates him to research historical wars, deconstruct intricate diplomatic negotiations, and explore the always changing field of international relations. He has an analytical mind and is intensely curious, and he is constantly trying to figure out what forces are at work in our interconnected world.

After the legislature openly honored a Ukrainian WW2 veteran who fought alongside the Nazis, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau made an “unconditional” apology in front of the House on Wednesday. In his address to the lawmakers, Canadian PM said he wanted to offer his sincerest regrets for what happened on Friday and the predicament they were in. He also acknowledged that having mistakenly recognized the individual was a grave error and a disgrace to the memories of those who suffered immensely at the hands of the Nazi government. What really was the Canadian PM referring to? The Canadian PM was referring…

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