Author: Gauri Garg

Gauri Garg is an Economics student with a love for Literature. Their love for books knows no bounds, encompassing genres ranging from classics to contemporary fiction, historical non-fiction to fantasy realms. When not ranting over latest economic theories, you can find her nestled in a cozy corner, immersed in the pages of classic literature or reading Marvel theories on the internet. She is also a Kathak dancer and loves to perform. She likes Mathematics but unfortunately for her it does not like her back. Cold Coffee and fantasizing about fictional characters are the greatest joys in her life. She also likes listening to K-pop and Taylor Swift and decode her songs. Gauri is a testament to the harmonious blend of intellectual curiosity and artistic expression.

In June 2023, the Gujarat HC started conducting court proceedings using the hybrid system for four of its division benches as part of a ‘pilot project’. source: Live Law Extension of the hybrid system The High Court has extended its pilot hybrid system of court hearings to all courtrooms and benches. This means that court proceedings can be conducted and attended both physically as well as remotely or virtually through video conference mode. The pilot project, launched in June 2023, has been successfully running for the past four months and this system is now being extended to all courtrooms of…

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In a PIL filed in the Delhi High Court by four survivors of domestic violence, the petitioners seeked mandatory FIRs against perpetrators in domestic abuse cases as opposed to forceful mediation. The survivors pointed out that when women approach the police to file cases against their husbands, they are deferred to mediation despite there being clear signs of abuse. The ethical dilemma surrounding mediation Mediators are usually a neutral third party which help the parties involved in a dispute reach mutually agreeable solutions. Mediations are often taken to avoid court trials. Recourse to mediation in domestic violence cases is indeed…

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