The United States second Republican Debate


The United States presidential candidate debate for 2024 has officially begun. The debate was held at the Simi Valley in California, Wednesday Night at around 9pm.

There are seven candidates present for the presidential Republican debate. 

 Donald Trump was not present for the first debate as well as for the second one. 

However, The candidates did not let Trump off the hook very easily. The former president was repeatedly criticized by Donald Trump’s opponents at the second presidential debate on Wednesday as they attempted to rip away at his huge early lead in the primary race between Republicans.

Image Source : NBC News

The Republican Debate

The debate which was supposed to remain rather professional and formal instead turned into petty comments and bizarre fights. Less than four months remain before the Iowa caucuses kick off the presidential selection process, so the candidates often went after Mr. Trump on their own in an effort to stand apart at a crucial time. Despite having a number of weaknesses, such as four criminal cases that could result in years behind bars, Mr. Trump has managed to maintain his leadership position. 

The candidates present at the debate  

Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, Mike Pence, the former vice president, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tim Scott, the senator from South Carolina, Nikki Haley, the former ambassador to the United Nations, Chris Christie, and Doug Burgum were the seven candidates who were selected.

One of the key takeaways from the second GOP debate on Wednesday night involved the candidates cross talking and critiquing each other almost all the time. 

Topics Covered at the Debate

Amid all the petty remarks and trivial comments, important topics were also covered, such as Trangenderism, Immigration, Inflation, Ukraine-Russia war, Abortion rights, and more.

Republicans running for president in 2024 established common ground during the second debate by blaming Donald Trump and the Democrats for deficit spending and the growing threat of a government shutdown. This highlighted a rare instance of agreement among the candidates.

Ramaswamy made harsh remarks about Ukraine in response to a question about the country’s ongoing support from the United States.

The topic of abortion was initiated by moderator Dana Perino, who posed a question by asking Governor DeSantis if he thought some Republicans had genuine concerns that the potential implementation of abortion laws or the electoral consequences that would follow from them could hurt the final GOP nominee.

Image Source: BBC News

Vivek Ramaswamy’s remarks  

One of the seven presidential candidates present at the debate, Vivek Ramaswamy’s remarks made headlines. 

He stated during the US presidential election that “Transgenderism, especially in kids, is a mental health disorder”

“Over 50% of children with gender dysphoria, according to Vivek Ramaswamy, have thought about committing suicide. Even with these numbers, he continued, elected officials have refused to pass legislation requiring schools to notify parents of their children’s forthcoming transitions. “It shouldn’t be debatable that parents have a right to know information about their children. Ban the use of hormone blockers and genital mutilation before the age of 18. Gender dysphoria should be treated as a mental illness. It’s time to re-empower parents” Ramaswamy wrote on Twitter.

Nikki Haley VS Vivek Ramaswamy

The two presidential candidates – Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy got into a heated one on one conversation. 

As they did in their first debate last month, Haley and Ramaswamy engaged in a split-screen back-and-forth in which Haley criticized Ramaswamy for his lack of political experience and, she claimed, potentially dangerous views.

Ramaswamy constantly defended himself against attacks from nearly every candidate on stage as Haley continued by accusing him of being overly cozy with China.

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