Author: Anisha Ghosh

Food is fuel for our body and makes you healthier and happier, we all need to ensure to give our bodies the right fuel. Food that is not right for our body, can go a large extent in causing potential damage to it. We all need to ensure to give ourselves the proper nourishment. One of the key factors that contribute to good health is maintaining a healthy diet, while it’s important to focus on the positive aspects of nutrition, it’s equally crucial to be aware of certain food items that can have adverse effects on health. Here are 5…

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi while speaking to the world leaders at the G20 Leaders Summit, addressed the Israel-Hamas conflict. Israel-Hamas conflict that began in October has led to large-scale violence and damage to human life, loss of lives, homes, strained prices, especially oil and commodity shortage and unrest in the region. Narendra Modi Adressess Israel-Hamas Conflict The Summit was arranged to discuss the goals that were set in the annual G20 summit that was held in New Delhi earlier this year, and to review the progress of the objectives. PM Modi stated that the leaders had come together to discuss…

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A sedentary lifestyle characterised by prolonged hours of sitting or inactivity, has been proven to have multiple disadvantages for our body and health. A sedentary lifestyle has been very common in recent times, specifically with desk jobs and schools, universities requiring long hours of sitting at the desk without any activity. As much as this lifestyle is common, here are six ways in which it can harm you. 6 Adverse Effects of a Sedentary Lifestyle Weight Gain and Obesity: Sedentary behaviour often results in obesity and unhealthy weight gain. Long hours of inactivity leads to less calorie burn which results…

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Yoga has a plethora of benefits for our health, this ancient treasure that traces its roots back to ancient India in Vedic texts. Yoga is a very popular form of exercise that has been known for its impact on people’s health and well-being. This article delves into five ways in which Yoga can help your body. 5 Ways Yoga Can Help Your Health Flexibility and Range of Motion: Yoga involves a number of poses and stretches that target specific muscles, regular yoga practice can enhance your body’s flexibility, thus enhancing your range of motion. This can alleviate stiffness of the…

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Matcha tea has numerous health benefits and has been all over social media these days. It has its origins in China during the Tang Dynasty and was later brought to Japan by Japanese monks who incorporated it into their meditation practices. Over time it was refined by the Japanese and added as an important element to their traditional tea ceremonies. Matcha has impressive properties that contribute to various health benefits, here are seven of them. 7 Health Benefits of Drinking Matcha Rich in Antioxidants: Matcha is loaded with antioxidants called catechins, specifically epigallocatechin gallate ( EGCG ). These antioxidants help…

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The evolution of fashion in India is a rich tapestry that weaves together tradition and modernity, reflecting the diverse cultural heritage of the country. Over the centuries, India’s sartorial landscape has undergone significant transformations, influenced by historical, social, and economic factors. The Evolution of Fashion Ancient India: The roots of Indian fashion can be traced back to ancient times, where clothing was not just a means of covering the body but also a symbol of status and identity. Different regions had distinct styles of attire, influenced by climate and local traditions. The dhoti, saree, and turban were common garments, showcasing…

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Liver health is one of the most crucial factors that contribute to our well-being, with a significant rise in the number of people getting affected by a fatty liver and other related problems, it becomes crucial to educate ourselves about how to keep our liver healthy. This article delves into 7 tips that can help you secure good liver health. 7 Tips for Liver Health Balanced Diet: Diet is one of the pioneer factors that contribute to our wellness, what food we consume directly affects our Liver. Eating healthy fruits, vegetables, cruciferous vegetables and whole grains, avoiding processed food and…

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A vegan diet offers a myriad of health benefits, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking a sustainable and compassionate lifestyle. By abstaining from animal products, vegans prioritise plant-based foods that are rich in essential nutrients, contributing to overall well-being. Advantages of a Vegan Lifestyle for Your Health:  One notable advantage of a vegan diet is its positive impact on heart health. Plant-based foods are typically low in saturated fats and cholesterol, key contributors to heart disease. Studies have shown that adopting a vegan lifestyle can lead to lower blood pressure, improved cholesterol levels, and a reduced risk of…

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Supermodel Bella Hadid has been more on the spotlight recently, with the internet going on a frenzy about her being replaced by Israeli model May Tager. The news was first reported by Turkiye’s Yeni Safak and later became viral on social media, with numerous sources and a huge number of people, including Bella’s fans expressing their contempt for the brand, alleging them of snubbing the model from the campaign due to her active support for Palestine in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.  Was Bella Hadid Really Replaced? While such claims were widespread and the luxury brand has been…

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Prevent Diabetes with a few simple tips, diabetes a chronic metabolic disorder characterised by elevated blood sugar levels, poses significant health risks. According to studies by the World Health Organization around four hundred million people are affected by Diabetes, with the numbers steadily rising. However, the good news is that this condition is largely preventable through lifestyle modifications. This article explores seven lifestyle changes that can help you prevent it. 7 Tips to Prevent Diabetes: Regular Exercise Exercising can help regulate Diabetes. Incorporating moderate to low impact exercises into your daily regime can go a long way to contribute to…

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